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Používáním cookies zlepšíme Vaše zkušenosti s webem prednyslm.eu tím, že přizpůsobíme jeho obsah Vašim potřebám a preferencím. Proto potřebujeme Váš souhlas se zpracováním souborů cookies, který udělíte kliknutím na tlačítko Povolit výběr nebo Povolit vše.


What is a cookie

A cookie is a small file that website sends to your browser. By using cookies website can store information about your visit, for example language version of the website, your purchase, etc. Using cookies can improve your experience with Company’s website, by personalizing its content to your needs and preferences. Cookies is used by almost every website on the internet, because of their vital role in creating more pleasant experience for website users.

Types of cookies

Session cookies are temporary cookies, that allows website to memorize your online activities for the time you are browsing the website. Without them, the website won’t be able to track your browsing history, and you would be treated as a new visitor with every click you navigate the website. Session cookies will expire as soon as you close your browser.

Persistent cookies allow the website to remember your device, and your preferences, so the next time you´ll visit the website it will remember you, and your personal preferences.

Use of cookies

In accordance with the provision of § 89 para. No. 127/2005 Coll., on electronic communications, as amended, we would like to inform you that our website uses cookies for its activities, so we process your cookies, including persistent cookies. By using this site, you consent to the above. This consent is granted for 20 years. Internet browsers usually contain cookie management. You may be able to manually delete, block, or completely prohibit the use of cookies in your browser settings. For more information, use the help of your Internet browser.

Purpose of using cookies

Website use cookies for its functionality, personalization of content and advertisements and analysis of site usage. We share information about how you use our site with our social media, advertising, and analytics partners. Except for the purpose stated in the previous paragraph, we use cookies only for the purposes specified in this Privacy policy.

In Brno on 1. 9. 2019

Mgr. Martin Predný, statutory representative